Healthy Strawberry Shake // Vegan & Paleo

There’s nothing like strawberries in the summertime! Whether you're covering them in sugar, freezing them in Popsicle molds, or picking them straight from the plant, they are the perfect summer treat!

Well, I was feeling the summer heat here in FL for the last week at we hit the mid-90s, leading me into a desperate attempt to make something refreshing and simple! I looked in my freezer and there it was, a forgotten bag of frozen strawberries just WAITING to be made into something refreshing.

I grabbed the bag and then checked the content of my fridge, almond milk, coconut cream, and dairy-free yogurt all stared back at me and I knew it was time to make a healthy Strawberry milkshake!

This shake is not meant to overload your taste buds with the sugary version of a strawberry, but offer a taste that is both sweet and slightly sour at the same time, making for the perfect summer strawberry!

using unsweetened yogurt is how you get this effect, but if all you have is sweetened yogurt omit the maple syrup. Give it a taste test once blended and dd in the agave if you want to!

If you are like my husband and enjoy sour strawberries omit the maple syrup and sweetened yogurt all together!

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Prep Time: 10 Minutes


  • 1 & 1/4th cup frozen strawberries

  • 1/4th cup almond milk

  • 1/2 cup almond milk yogurt

  • 1/4th cup coconut cream

  • 2 Tbsp. Maple Syrup


It’s simple! Add in all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until you have a smooth consistency.

If need be add in a little extra almond milk, but just keep in mind this will alter the taste a bit.

Pour, sip and enjoy!

Banana Bread Smoothie

Nothing beats waking up to banana bread during the star at home orders…thankfully you can now enjoy banana bread in several forms thanks to this rending food item right now. For me I a big fan of smoothies in the morning, so when everyone was baking away, I remembered a recipe that I had come up with last year and totally forgot about! Let me explain…

Last year I spent some time in South Africa to see family and there is this smoothie place that is over the moon delicious! One of my favorite smoothies I had there was one that tasted exactly like banana bread! I figured that since I am in America now, and couldn’t get my hands on a smoothie made to perfection, I would have to make one at home!

When you freeze your bananas they should be ripe, none of this green banana business. Remember you want this to taste like banana bread & when it comes to banana bread spots = deliciousness! Just make sure they aren’t at that stage of the peel looking completely brown, that flavor is a little too intense for this smoothie…

If you would like to make this a vegan smoothie feel free to omit the collagen and instead replace it with vegan protein powder. Just keep in mind that this will change the taste and texture a bit. Try to stick with unflavored or vanilla protein powder.


  • 1 cup Almond Milk

  • 1 Tbsp Tahini**

  • 1 Tbsp Cacao nibs

  • 1 Tsp Cinnamon

  • 1 Frozen banana

  • 3 to 5 ice cubes

  • 1 scoop Collagen


  • combine all the ingredients into your blender, making sure to pour in your almond milk first! This helps to ensure that your dry ingredients don’t get stuck at the bottom of the blender.

  • Sip and enjoy it!

    **If you don’t have Tahini on hand, the next best thing is cashew butter or 2tbs soaked Cashews.

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Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie Bowl

I don’t know about you but when it comes to the morning I love to start things off with a bang and if you have seen my Instagram stories, you know that means a smoothie bowl! I love that a smoothie bowl tastes like my favorite frozen dessert while still offering you a nutrient dense and fun way to start off your day!

Now, I’m a morning person, so don’t limit yourself to just breakfast with these babes. I like to make the filling by adding fiber, healthy fats, protein and vegetables to make sure that I’m getting a meal that tastes like dessert, but also offers all the nutrients needed for a well-rounded meal!

This smoothie is a go when I am in the mood for something a little less sweet because of the raspberries and non-dairy yogurt. I also add in two optional ingredients, the first being flax to add in fiber. This is so that you can digest the smoothie easier, but you can either skip or use chia seeds instead. The second ingredient is gelatinized Maca root powder, I take this to help balance hormones and it also adds a caramel flavor that’s really good! You can find both of these products by clicking here !

Okay, so now you know all the details, let’s get on to the ingredients list!


• ½ cup frozen banana

• ½ cup frozen butternut squash

• 1/3rd cup frozen raspberries

• 1 cup non-dairy milk

• 1 tbsp. Homemade sunflower butter

• 1 tbsp. cocoa powder

• 1 tbsp. flax meal

• 1 tbsp. non-dairy yogurt

• 1 tsp. Gelatinized Maca powder

• 1 scoop protein powder (not shown)


• Blend it all up

• Pour into an aesthetic bowl and top appropriately…aka with all your favorite goodies!

• Enjoy!

So there you have it folks, an easy, delicious and nutritious way to start your day off right!

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below and show some love by hitting that like button!

Thank you so much for stopping by

Love always,


Pumpkin Pie Spice Smoothie

I don’t know about you guys, but since I live in Florida the term seasons isn’t used very often. We have hot, really hot, don’t go outside, and cold or otherwise known as seventy degrees.  This makes getting into the spirit of fall a little more difficult. You can imagine the dilemma of this New England gone South girl as I see my family and friend up north posting darling photos with their sweaters and fall foliage. 

Because of my dilemma, I have decided to crank up the AC, throw on a sweater and make a pumpkin spice treat that keeps you cool, while satisfying those cravings. Not to mention the benefits of pumpkin including potassium, fiber, and antioxidants! Another win for pumpkin is that it is easy to digest because of its high fiber, low starch, and low sugar content. I added pumpkin to my smoothies, while on the Candida cleanse as a substitute for bananas and it would help keep that creamy and rich texture that bananas provide!

SO without further Aude, here is my fall smoothie recipe!


·         4 frozen cubes of pumpkin

·         2 frozen cubes of coconut milk

·         2 frozen cubes of sweet potato

·         1/4th cup dairy free yogurt

·         3/4th cup milk

·         1 tsp pumpkin spice

·         1/4th tsp. Unrefined Stevia leaf powder or sweetener of choice

·         1 TBS Flax meal  

·         1 TBSP protein powder (Optional)  


·         Place all the ingredients in a blender and you know the rest!

·         Oh and don’t forget to enjoy, if you forget about it there will be a melted pool of ingredients waiting for you when you come back. I know because I have been there and it’s not pretty…
